CHS hosted the first North Florida Catholic Forensic League tournament of the year. on September 24, 2022.
This was our first time competing with this league, which is full of private and prep schools, with a few public schools sprinkled in, and boy did we shine!
Not only did we get a ton of compliments from our competing schools about how nice our campus looked, the food we had provided, and the smiles on all of our grenadiers who volunteered, we also brought home the first ever Small School 1st Place Team Sweepstakes award! This is based on the overall performance of our students.
Shekinah Henriette and Mackenzie Cosme both earned third place in novice and varsity extemporaneous speaking, where they get a prompt and 30 minutes to prepare a 7 minute speech without the use of notes.
Katie Klinkhammer also tried extemporaneous speaking for the first time ever! Tristen Remy, Pedro Geliga, and Ethan Mills all competed in Student Congress and each of them were able to give a support speech and participate in questioning the bills they were voting on.
Congratulations to all of our debate students and representing what it means to be a Grenadier!